Ive spent an annoying amount of my time staring at the ground, not because Im lost in thought or afraid to look people in the eyes, but because Im trying not to fumble over sticks, immerging stones, litter of all sorts, or into potholes. Because of this inconvenient precaution, I often only see point A, the lovely trail, and resulting point B. Lately, Ive become more familiar with the roads and bush paths, so Ive been able to enjoy the most rewarding scenery.
Long-tailed Glossy-starling: "grating" call
They are black at first glance, but these noisy birds show a metallic green upper and violet under.
A Couple Birds I saw during my bike ride this morning (typical of Sub-Saharan Africa):

They are black at first glance, but these noisy birds show a metallic green upper and violet under.
Laughing Dove
Now if I can only sneak out of my hut around 6, before the village stirs and women pound the morning grain, Ill have a nice date with my handy dandy binoculars (Thank You Dr.L). My bird list is sure to grow as I explore the plains that I now live in.
Now if I can only sneak out of my hut around 6, before the village stirs and women pound the morning grain, Ill have a nice date with my handy dandy binoculars (Thank You Dr.L). My bird list is sure to grow as I explore the plains that I now live in.
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