Project Summary:
6 villages in the Kolda region of Senegal: Sare Meta*, Sare Pathe, Sare Labbel, Sare Kallilou, Sare Konkoyel, Sare Samba
My humble home of Sare Meta is a small, centrally located village of 315 residents, a large number of those children, with 5 neighboring villages (listed above) in small, branching clusters.
During interviews at each village, hygiene and sanitation issues were the most pressing health concerns, specifically proper latrine availability. The area has a limited amount of quality latrines, most existing latrines were poorly constructed with mud and found objects, and 24 household are currently without any facility. Residents living in huts without any latrines admit to relieving themselves in the bush, forests, and even right behind their homes.
The Plan:Across the 6 villages, we plan to build 22 latrines in family compounds that are completely without. The catch? The 500$ grant through Appropriate Projects water charity funds will provide for the cement and metal supports with the understanding that the families supply all labor, including digging the 2 meter deep pits, retrieving materials (via donkey cart), and building the iron-reinforced platform with extra wood supports. sounds like a deal.
The idea behind the sustainable latrine design is that the family will be able to relocate the platform to a new pit once the first fills. No worries, several villagers are familiar with this design and all for it.
The Plan:Across the 6 villages, we plan to build 22 latrines in family compounds that are completely without. The catch? The 500$ grant through Appropriate Projects water charity funds will provide for the cement and metal supports with the understanding that the families supply all labor, including digging the 2 meter deep pits, retrieving materials (via donkey cart), and building the iron-reinforced platform with extra wood supports. sounds like a deal.
The idea behind the sustainable latrine design is that the family will be able to relocate the platform to a new pit once the first fills. No worries, several villagers are familiar with this design and all for it.
Estimated Impact:
895 people will benefit. score.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project:
yours truly
yours truly