Jessica Cochran
August 28, 2011
A: During my Peace Corps service in Senegal, I plan to use my knowledge gained as a biology major as well as through my research on invasive plant species. I will also employ my personal innovative skills, including my natural creativity, problem solving,and management. My skills gained thus far will be utilized, along with more that I anticipate to learn in training, to employ agroforestry techniques.
I aspire to discover just as much from the local community as I teach during my Peace Corps service. I hope to be a mediator between available technology and the local community in order to better their lives, no matter how insignificant the changes may seem.
B: I intend to use my personal attributes to motivate my host partners in order to meet their specific needs. I want to practice team work, leadership, and resolve conflicts along the way.
C: I think that the key to adapting to another culture is by complete immersion.
Communication will be my most important strategy to open the doors to new and different ideas, which I will readily absorb and try to understand without being offended or defensive. I am curious and open-minded to my surrounding world, which is my personal approach. I believe that when my desire to learn meets with interactions, I will be able to sink into the environment and culture.
D: At pre-service training, I hope to gain thorough knowledge covering safety tips and instructions first and foremost. Once my final region of service and accompanying local language is revealed, I hope to either polish my French or quickly undertake the additional language. I trust that the agroforestry job duties, techniques, local contacts, and job related goals will all be shared so I can best carry out my future project. In addition, I hope that the abilities and needs have been assessed for the designated area. I want to learn about local traditions and expectations prior to entering the community to decrease the amount of surprises.
E: I expect that this eye-opening experience will teach me a new appreciation for things that I take advantage of on a daily basis in America including my opportune status. I believe that I will find a deep selflessness and it will continue through my future work. As a result of learning the local morals and religious values, I believe that I could further myself into my own faith. I would like to live more wholesomely and believe that it could become a stronger part of my character traits. I’ve had a mind set for dental school throughout my college career, but believe that my volunteer experience with the Peace Corps could change either my career path or expand my outreach goals. On a lighter note, I think that shifting gears from my demanding schedule to an African community could relax my mind and allow me to focus on more than just the fast pace.
:) thanks.